Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Celebration

This year's celebrations were absolutely amazing! I celebrated in San Francisco with my coworkers for our company's holiday party, I got inspired to throw my own party, and of course, I spent Christmas eve with my family.

Here are some pics from my own party and I can finally introduce my new and improved product pics with my new logo (Chicky Treats) thanks to Jeff! 

Here is the holiday spread! I made 3 types of cookies (Coconut chocolate chip, Molasses, and Chocolate crinkle) and a Butter Pecan cake.  

Delicious and oh yeah, really buttery! 

Here is some store bought rustic bread with cream cheese and a raspberry chipotle sauce.  Together, it's pretty yummy.

Coconut chocolate chip and molasses cookies ready for their close up!

Pumpkin spiced cake with a coated and filled with toasted pecans and a cinnamon cream cheese butter cream. It is also decorated with Reindeer corn and a festive Santa chocolate pop (minus the stick).

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with their loved ones and that Santa was extra generous! 


Daniella :)

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